Hello Everyone! Well we have some great news! We have officially completed our Home Study, and we are now ready to Legally Adopt a child or two!
We can not express how incredibly happy we are to be this much closer to completing our family! We have thought long and hard what kind of family we want to be, and what kind of family we want to have, and we want to share that with you!
We want our Family to be very close knit. We love our family and we love being able to be together and have fun!

This is Bart's Family. We spend a lot of time together too! On the opposite Sunday's we are at their house for Sunday dinner, and it's always a surprise. (: We try to go up to Island Park every year to spend some quality family time without outside interruption, and it is wonderful!
They are always there to help and make sure that we are always taken care of.
We want to make sure our family is this way. we want to make sure that our children know that we will always and forever be there for them. We will always be there to help them in any possible way that we can. With the way that our careers are and how fortunate we have been in this life, we will be able to help them with a college fund, and make sure that their education will take them further in life.
When we continued to think about the children that will one day join our family, we realized that it doesn't matter what they look like. We are open to any race, any gender, haha even any color of eyes. (; No matter what our child will look like, or be like, we will love them unconditionally. We are open to children with special needs and we would even love to have twins! That one was a different decision for us, but we have realized that we will take what we can get. We would love to have twins up to 3 years of age, or even a sibling couple. Maybe a four year old and an infant. (:
No matter how our family is made, or how many children we are able to get, they will all be loved so very much. With our family shown above, and us, plus so many more, we will have a family that will shower these children with love.
Please keep us in mind if you, or someone you know is looking for a home for a child, and spread the word to all you know!
With much love as always!
-Bart 'n' Aly Hancock